Monday 8 August 2011

d-minus 1 (Mon 8 Aug)

Early(ish) start this morning to attend a meeting with a marketing company in Barford, Warwickshire. Really interesting and encouraging that all is in hand an on track. A colleague was delayed after her sat nav sent her up the M40 in error, and sods law, it was one of those long stretches between junctions!

In my technological preparation for the trip, I tried to download a sat nav map of Romania last night, only to find that forking out £40 for the Eastern Europe file would only give me around 13% of Romanian roads. What are the chances of us getting lost on the other 87%? Looks like back to basics and a good old fashioned road map (with a printed route plan for comfort!)

The boys are climbing the walls with excitement now we are less than 24 hours from departure (or one sleep if you are under 8), their first time in an aeroplane and on foreign soil (unless Wales counts?). So my tech prep has concentrated on downloading music files, putting them on an SD card for their DS. Sounds simple - in fairness it was once I discovered what to convert them to (*.m4a seems to have done the trick if you are interested!). Hopefully having the ability to plug them in and make them listen to what passes for music with pre-teens will be of benefit over the coming week - I might even put a bit of Roy Bailey on there and educate them!

So, I can't put off packing my suitcase any longer. T-shirts, shorts, underwear, 3, 2, 1 of in that order ought to do it! If this is the last post until we return then we have either failed to get connected or something has gone terribly wrong, but here's hoping it won't.

People I have met recently through work and socially have seemed generally interested in what we are doing, and it makes a difference to us going that we have a fair amount of good will behind us. I guess if you are reading this, that includes you, so thanks for that!

La revedere.

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