Wednesday 10 August 2011

Day 1 proper (Wed 10 Aug)

Our hospital beds proved relatively comfortable, Laura & boys sharing the bedroom whilst I slept in the living area. We have use of a small flat above what used to be the hospital laundry, but that has been cleared out and now itself houses some 10 or so psychiatric patients - the lowest risk more dependable ones.

Out of date Frosties and uht milk for breakfast doesn't sound particularly appertising but was the culinary highlight thus far given the awfulness of my luncheon attempt - I doubt man has ever created a worse tuna, sweetcorn pasta bake.

We have been shopping for essentials - there is now a Lidl in the nearest town. Bought pop and biscuits to give to patients, and (I realise not strictly speaking essential), a bottle of beer - 2 litres at about 60p!

Chucking it down with rain which has hampered our activities somewhat. Istvan arrived soon after 10am with his 9 year old daughter, Karina. Istvan then went into the hospital with Laura to meet the head nurse who gave her blessing on us working with patients over the next few days. There are 145 patients at the moment with a spectrum of psychological problems. Nina is a great friend of the charity and lives in the village. She came to see us soon after 11, and has three times today helped Laura with the patients. Firstly they did some crafts with playdough Laura  made this morning. Since lunch they have also been and distributed pop and biscuits within the hospital - going into most wards, but 12 litres of drink and 2kg of biscuits didn't prove sufficient - must buy more for tomorrow. One of the wards had a dead patient in bed covered with a sheet. Some of the patients on the ward told Laura and Nina not to bother giving her anything - seemingly not at all perturbed by their deceased fellow.

We have been into Codlea to buy some footballs - not as good value as the beer, synthetic balls costing £5 each - but this has meant we can have a kick around in front of the hospital with some of the more able patients, all of us joining in for a spell.

Accepting an invitation to Istvan's flat in Brasov tonight, the six of us who have been together today having tea with his wife and younger daughter. Thus being in Brasov will give me a chance to post this and correct the many errors I found in yesterday's post.

In summary, all going well, shame about the weather, a positive first day, but oh, the smell......I'd forgotten that in the intervening 15 years!

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